MEAS Quarterly Meeting

31 August 2015

Held at WSP Offices, Boulevard Plaza 

Events Over the Last Quarter

·         CIOB Presentation – Sarah and Paul presented to the CIOB on Acoustics on behalf of the MEAS on Wednesday 30th Sept.  Refer to website for details

·         Air Quality and Noise Control Conference in AD – this was discussed and the general consensus was that members would not be attending due to the way the conference was handled the previous year.

·         Entertainment Noise – Matthew Carter informed the group that all new music premises and venues will need to be registered and hold a valid sound proofing certificate in the near future.  The legislation is in the early stages and Matthew advised that he would provide an update at the next meeting.

·         AlAnwar advised that there was no update on the DGBR letter sent to DM on behalf of the MEAS.


In other news………


·         Yasser of CBM - Construmat is providing Lebanese snacks for the meeting and Michel Karroum will be providing a presentation entitled ‘Svantek Noise Monitoring Solutions’.  One of our kind secretaries (Marwa) will be taking minutes so that we actually have a record of the event this time!.  There is a bar downstairs for drinks after the meeting.

·         We now have the following new members:

o   WGC International – a US based consultancy who provide services on projects here.

o   HGC Engineering - a US based consultancy who provide services on projects here

o   Andrew Peplow of Zayed University

o   Sreenivas Narayanan of Gentech

o   Abhishek Chhanra of Thomas Bell-Wright International

o   Noor Ul Jafri of Kilgaro

o   Anil Mishra of Pyrotek

o   Majdi Al Samman of Morex

o   Roberto Spano of Mappy Italia

o   Rommel Estrella of Sigma Engineering

o   Andy Lou Dapin of Intercool

o   Siderise

o   David Henderson of SIG ME

o   Saour El Khateeb of Optima


·         We have a number of new interested parties joining this meeting.  Please encourage them to visit the website if they would like to become members so that they can complete the paperwork.

·         There is no update from Dubai Chamber of Commerce.  I have been chasing but my contact is now on one month’s leave, returning at the end of Jan.


Future meetings: 


·         Andrew Peplow of Zayed University tells me that that they have applied, through the British Council, for a "sustainable acoustics workshop (for young researchers)" at ZU Abu Dhabi.  He hopes to be able to provide an update at the meeting and may be able to host the next Meeting at the University in  March 2016. The main instructors will be Jian Kang (confirmed) and Bridget Shield and they expect that the workshop will be open to all – this is a great opportunity!

·         Ray Walsh of CDM ME has also offered to provide a presentation on Floating Floor Systems at the next meeting – this will have to depend on when/if the above workshop is taking place.

Next meeting:

4pm 18th January 2016 at WSP Offices, H-Tower.

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