The MEAS committee are looking for willing members of the acoustic community that can provide informative, technical presentation at our meetings. 

As many of you know, we hold quarterly meetings where a technical presentation is provided. Technical presentations should be informative about technical based solutions to Acoustic, Noise and Vibration problems with any claims of performance backed up by technical evidence rather than opinion. Presentations should not simply be a sales pitch of your products. 

If you would like the opportunity to present to the MEAS membership at one of our meetings please firstly read the MEAS TECHNICAL PAPERS AND PRESENTATIONS REQUIREMENTS FOR PRESENTERS (click link to download pdf).

All technical presentations are to use the MEAS Technical Presentation MS PowerPoint® Template (click link to download pptx).

Please get in touch with MEAS secretary should you wish to present at one of the upcoming MEAS quarterly meetings to arrange a speaking slot.  


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