Local acoustic Standards , Guidance and Regulation for the UAE Emirate of Dubai


Local Order 61 of 1991 (Environment Protection Regulations in the Emirate of Dubai)

Recommend environmental noise limits (in dB LAeq,T) for different areas exposed to light and heavy road traffic in residential, commercial and industrial areas, as shown in Table below.

Article (42) in Chapter VI Noise Control


Article (75) in Chapter VII Noise Control Regulations

“It shall be the duty of the occupier of any premises or persons operating mechanical devices or drivers of public or private transportation vehicles, houses owners, or supervisors of worshipping place, to adopt the best practicable means of ensuring that the emission of noise from those premises does not exceed a reasonable level. The level is considered reasonable if it does not exceed 55 decibel during the period 7 a.m: to 8 p.m. and 45 dB during the period 8 p.m. to 7 a.m.”



Green Building Code

Al Sa'Faat Green Building Rating System (Revision 1.1)

It is understood that although the Al Sa'Faat regulations are published, it has apparently not yet been circulated as a royal decree.  It is strongly advised to take advice directly from Dubai Municipality, however in absence of official advice any projects currently in design stage or pre-completion are subject to Dubai Green Building Regulations (DGBR).

Dubai Green Building Regulations (DGBR)

In January 2011, as a first step towards implementing a sustainable development strategy for the emirate, Dubai Municipality (DM) made the Green Buildings Regulations and Specification mandatory for governmental buildings and voluntary for private ones. As in march 2014, when a total of 44 green governmental buildings had been constructed, DM took a second step towards implementing the strategy, and made the regulations mandatory for all new buildings in Dubai.

403 - Chapter 3: 'Acoustic Comfort' states the following:

A more detailed guide in implementing the DGBR can be found on DM's website:

Dubai Green Building Website



Technical Guideline No. 9

Dubai Municipality Technical Guideline Number 9 'Requirements For The Reduction Of Construction and Demolition Noise' (April 2011) provides guidance on  control and reduction of noise from any type of construction and demolition activities as mentioned in the document.

Technical Guideline No. 10

Dubai Municipality Technical Guideline Number 10 'Requirements for the Control of Entertainment Noise' provides guidance on how entertainment premises should control noise. Specifically the following statement is included:

"Noise from any entertainment premises must not be audible inside a residential dwelling during normal sleeping hours e.g. 10:00 P.M. - 6:00 A.M."

The UAE Environmental Noise Regulations

Federal Law regulations are generally consistent with WHO guidelines.