There is a general requirement for members of the Middle East Acoustic Society (MEAS) to be bound to further the aims of the Society to the best of their abilities. The standing of MEAS is enhanced if its members are not only well qualified, but also have a professional commitment to a standard of excellence in their work and in their dealings with other people.
Members of MEAS shall agree to abide by the following set of rules, known collectively as the "Code of Ethics":
- To maintain the highest standards of business, professional and personal conduct and not disclose confidential client information without permission.
- To provide professional opinions in an objective and truthful manner, avoiding statements that are untrue, demeaning, misleading or unethical.
- To avoid misrepresentation of one’s skills and experiences and to undertake work only in areas of competence, unless the client is informed of the member’s limitations.
- To disclose any financial or other conflict of interest on an assignment.
- To maintain a proper sense of responsibility to the client, community, employees, the profession and the environment.
- To ensure that staff are qualified and competently trained to handle the assigned task.
- To treat other members of the society with professional respect and refrain from public criticism of one another. This does not preclude members from providing responsible comment on another’s work when called to do so. However, restraint should be exercised in carrying out the review of another member’s work and criticism be confined to those points that are technically correct, truly relevant and objectively important.
- When carrying out a review of another member’s work take reasonable steps to inform that member.
- To refrain from taking over another member’s work on a project unless the client has notified that member that their involvement has been discontinued.
- To take reasonable steps to ensure that a client who overrules or neglects the member’s advice is made aware of the possible consequences.
- To avoid being placed under an obligation to a third party in dealing with a client, and to refuse anything of substantial value from a third party.
- Not knowingly omit from any finalised report any information that would materially alter the conclusions that could be drawn from the report.
All members of the Society shall, at all times conform to the Code of Ethics adopted by the Society and shall conform to such other requirements of the Society as adopted from time to time.